






The Fantasy genre in Taiwanese popular literature has undergone three developmental periods. Starting from the 1990s and extending beyond the wave of popularity of films like The Lord of the Rings, translators like Zhu Xueheng worked as mediums of Fantasy genre who attempted to promote Chinese Fantasy writings through avenues such as literary awards. Concurrently, the market of Internet fictions experienced robust expansion, eventually leading to a decline in the failing of online monetization and downturn in book market. In response to these changes, the Fantasy writers of Taiwan shifted their engagement toward the participation of the fantasy genre through the 2008 Taiwan Kadokawa-sponsored Light Novel Awards. However, while the leading platforms like XianWang closed, this award was eventually discontinued, and left writers with where to debut. The markets for Internet novels, light novels, and traditional print publishing were all unable to sustain the long-term development of this genre. Nonetheless, the landscape has began to change with the involvement of China's Tianwen Kadokawa in co-organizing the Light Novel Awards. Furthermore, the establishment of the "Parallel Taipei & Its Stories Studio" in conjunction with the 2014 Sunflower Movement marked a turning point. This period witnessed the emergence of a localization phase for Taiwanese Fantasy, punctuated by a growing fascination with "yokai." While previous studies have explored individual works within Taiwanese Fantasy genre or specific media, such as indigenous Fantasy, light novels, works by Internet novelists, or the origins of Taiwanese Fantasy, the broader decades-long developmental trajectory of the Fantasy genre in Taiwan has yet to be comprehensively studied.

This study selects a few works across these three developmental periods, with a significant emphasis on worldbuilding. By analyzing the positioning of these works within the Taiwanese Fantasy genre, this study seeks to understand how authors contribute to the localization of the Fantasy paradigm. It explores the ways in which Taiwanese authors infuse their fictions with local material while constructing their worldbuilding. Through this analysis, the study highlights the historical narratives of decentralization and diversification that have been discussed by previous researchers.

Keywords: Fantasy, Genre, Worldbuilding, Masses, Localization

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